Jun 7, 2010

How much am I worth?

I get enquiries all the time about my work....the hardest question I deal with everyday is "How much do you cost?". It seems like a simple enough question but people fail to see the complexity of such a simple question, they fail to see that unltimately they are asking me - "How much are you worth?" So when someone says that I am "too expensive" or more bluntly "what a rip-off!" they fail to see that they are telling me that my time, my expertise, my art and all the parts of myself that I put into what I do is not worth it! Is it any wonder I take this personally. I recently discovered a website that answers the question:

So I wanted to share this with you...click on the title above to read an illuminating article

To finish my little rant....I wanted to share one of the images from my website....this is what I do and it takes a lot to produce an image like this and it doesn't cost me 99cents.
My greatest cost for the work I produce is the time away from my family; so I can give you images of your family that you will treasure for a lifetime!

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